The Grober Pinsel is simply what it’s called – a rough brush (“Grober Pinsel“ in german). Handwritten Capitals from A – Z and 0 – 9 in three character sets, upper-, lowercase and an alternates set. In addition comes a set of 10 line strokes and a couple of ligatures and alternates. On the whole this font gives you the possibility to make your design look very unique and handmade. The Pinsel is awesome on shirts, posters and stickers, your stylish fashion blog or cookbook, and everything that needs a bold lettered message. It loves big headlines and gives its best in dynamic logos and also he speaks a well central european.
Nhà thiết kế: Lecter Johnson
Nhà phát hành: Doubletwo Studios
Việt hóa: STYLEno.1 Fonts
Font đang được bán trên Myfonts
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