Sequel 100 Black is a neogrotesque font family for forceful headlines, confident titles, and striking posters. An extension of Sequel Sans and primarily designed for display use, it has wider proportions than the original typeface. It also sports a larger x-height that allows for maximum impact on the page. And Sequel 100 Black ain’t no lightweight: it’s the boldest member of the Sequel superfamily, with weights starting at 45 (a sturdy medium style) and going all the way up to an ultra-black 115. Use Sequel 100 Black whenever you want to combine a touch of cool mid-century modernism with the scintillating tension of maximum ink use and minimal whitespace.
Nhà thiết kế: Oliver Jeschke
Nhà phát hành: OGJ Type Design
Việt hóa: STYLEno.1 Fonts
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