Sagona is a contemporary slab serif building on the clarendon/ionic model dating back to the 19th century. Like its most famous representative Clarendon, Sagona features strong serifs and a variable stroke contrast resulting in a versatile typeface working great in headlines and small text sizes. Where great typefaces like Sentinel, Belizio or FF Hertz are staying close to the industrial and strict appearance, Sagona is focusing on a warm and welcoming approach, emphasizing a subtle elegance especially in the mid weights. The family comes in nine weights with matching true italics. It is equipped with a large set of alternative glyphs, ligatures, old style numbers, initials and finitials, two sets of arrows and many more opentype features making it a perfect choice for professional type setting…
Nhà thiết kế: Rene Bieder
Nhà phát hành: Rene Bieder
Việt hóa: STYLEno.1 Fonts
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