Nanum Square Neo Sans Serif Font is a free sans serif typeface manufactured by NAVER Corp. Built with strong letter shapes, and industrial taste. It is a good font to convey sentences with attention in various environments. Nanum Square Neo is made with a wide inner space and a full module to increase readability and attention. It is characterized by a stable line that is good for not only short information but also a long text story.
Nhà thiết kế: Seungeon Kim; Wonjin Oh; Haesung Kim; Junsu Kim; Jeongyeon Hyun; Yoonah Kim; Suhwa Jang;
Nhà phát hành: Naver Corp
Việt hóa: STYLEno.1 Fonts
Font gốc miễn phí cho mọi mục đích sử dụng, xem thêm
Bản Việt hóa cung cấp cho mọi mục đích sử dụng dưới hình thức trả phí.